Forthcoming Level 4 Award Qualifications (Now SEG, previously ABC):
Start date for the next Level 4 Award in Arboriculture is 5th April 2024 – Contact us to express your interest asap.
Taught sessions will take place at a number of locations in Devon and Cornwall.
The Qualification details, in brief:
The overall qualification is Level 4, but the Level of each Unit (degree of difficulty) – ranges from 3-5 for this qualification. Learners must achieve a minimum of 12 credits for the Award. The rules of combination dictate which units can be put together for the Award and the Certificate, so for the Award course running from April 2024, the units included are:
Tree biomechanics and maintenance [M/503/3319]
Principles of woodland establishment and management [F/503/3325]
Full details of the Level 4 Award are available on the SEG website
Price: £1,350 for the SEG Level 4 Award in Arboriculture (this is an ELCAS Approved Course)
This qualification aims to:
- improve job prospects, and promotion
- encourage knowledge and application of current arboriculture industry best practice
- encourage learners to follow a programme of structured continuing professional development (CPD)
- facilitate access to higher level management qualifications
This qualification is designed for those learners who:
- have been involved in the practical side of the industry and wish to progress into a more managerial role
- work in related disciplines such as horticulture, forestry, countryside management, landscape architecture and planning and wish to increase their knowledge of arboriculture
- are currently working as tree officers, technicians and those involved in tree survey works who wish to achieve a recognised qualification.
Entry Requirements:
There are no specific qualification requirements for entry onto the Level 4 in Arboriculture. However, it is essential for candidates to have good prior knowledge of the land based industry, particularly arboriculture, and suitable industry experience.
Qualifications which might provide useful include: Level 2/3 Forestry and Arboriculture, and Level 2/3 Trees and Timber
Lynher training will carefully profile applicants to ensure that only learners with suitable knowledge and previous experience enrol on this course.
This is a part time course, and as such is perfectly suited for those already working within the industry.
There will be 7 full day sessions for learners to attend, spread out over a 6-month period. A timetable of activities detailing all sessions will be provided , and agreed by the learner prior to the course commencing.
The learner will also be expected to complete regular background reading, home study and research, along with assignments to be completed and submitted regularly for marking.
Please note: At Level 4 you will be expected to undertake extensive research and reading, so that you can gain a broad knowledge base. You will need to develop the ability to evaluate different approaches, explain your findings, and clearly communicate the outcomes using well-structured arguments. You will need to use technical language fluently, and provide sources for your work.
Tutors and Assessors:
Lynher Training’s tutors and assessors are specially selected not only for their extensive industry experience and teaching skill, but also for their inspirational personalities! This ensures that all learners will be provided with top quality up to date training and support throughout their course.
To obtain detailed information on this qualification:
- See the SEG Purpose statement – available from Lynher Training. It can also be found on the SEG website along with further information including the full qualification guide – see link above.
- Contact and we’ll send you more detailed information about the course content and structure.
About the SEG Level 4 in Arboriculture Qualification
The SEG Level 4 Award, Certificate and Diploma in Arboriculture are designed for people working in arboriculture, in both the public and private sectors, to complement their training and experience, and to provide evidence of their knowledge of arboriculture. The qualification can be undertaken in three sections to achieve the full Diploma, starting with the Award, and moving on to the Certificate and then the full Diploma. All three are however, stand-alone Level 4 qualifications.
Lynher Training plan to register to deliver the Certificate and Diploma going forward, but the Award is transferrable, so candidates wishing to progress more quickly will have the option to do this with other SEG registered training providers should they wish to.